Sunday, June 14, 2015

6.9.15 - 6.14.15

Transition Week – 6/9/15

A.  Power Snatch (Based on 1rm Snatch),
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5 reps, 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps
 85, 105, 110, 120, 110
B.  Snatch Balance (Based on 1RM Snatch),
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5 reps, 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps
 85, 105, 110, 120 – failed 5th rep of this set, 110 – 1 set pause in the catch
C. Split Jerk Behind Head (Based on 1RM Jerk)
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5 reps, 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps
 115, 140, 150, 160, 150
D. Back Squat
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5 reps, 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps
 130, 155, 165, 180, 165 – 1 sec pause in the bottom on the first rep of each set; these felt hard

A.  Power Clean + Power Jerk (Based off 1RM CJ), rest as needed
50%x5+5, 60%x5+5, 65%x5+5, 70%x5+5, 65%x5+5
*5 power cleans + 5 Power Jerks
 Often the terms power jerk and push jerk are used synonymously, but we will use them as two distinct exercises—the feet lift and move in the power jerk, and stay connected to the floor in the push jerk.
105, 125, 135, 145, 135 – these were fine 
B.  Overhead Squat (Based off 1RM Snatch…NOT 1RM OHS!)
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5 reps, 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 65%x5
 85, 105, 110, 120, 110
C.  Jerk Recoveries (Based off 1RM Jerk), rest as needed
70%x5, 80%x5, 85%x5, 90%x5, 85%x5
 160, 185, 195, 210, 195 – these felt really solid up until the very last set, I was a little wobbly, but still felt better than any other time I’ve done them
D.  RDL (Based of 1RM Clean)
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5, 65%x5
 105, 125, 135, 145, 135
*The knees remain bent throughout the entire movement!
 *This style strengthens the back arch along with the glutes and hamstrings, but places less emphasis on the hamstrings because the knees remain bent throughout. We are using the bend to reinforce the knee movement under the bar as occurs in the snatch and clean pulls. It also strengthens the lats and shoulders because of the effort to keep the bar close to the legs with the shoulders in front of the bar.

A. Mid thigh Snatch (Based off 1RM Hang Snatch)

Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
55%x5 reps, 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps
 85, 105, 110, 120 – failed 1st rep of this set but still did 5 successfully, 110
B. Split Jerk from Rack (Based off 1RM Jerk)

Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5, 65%x5
 I used the boxes – 115, 140, 150, 160, 150
C. Clean Grip “lift off” to below knee (Based off 1RM Clean)
Every 2:30min for 15min (6 sets),
60%x5, 70%x5, 80%x5, 90%x5, 95%x5, 90%
*Straps can be used for this lift
*This lift is performed as quickly as possible but ensuring proper position and balance is maintained. No bouncing weights. Set up each rep as if you were going to clean it.
 125, 145, 165, 185, 195 – I feel like I need a lot of work on this position and on my speed off the ground. The lift off feels like the sticking point for me.
D. Front Squat (Based on 1RM Clean)

Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
60%x5, 70%x5, 75%x5, 80%x5, 75%x5
 125, 145, 155, 165, 155 – 1 sec pause in bottom on 1st rep of each set

A.  Snatch
Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5, 65%x5
 85, 105, 110, 120, 110 – my timing was not quite right on some of these and I had trouble staying tight off the ground on the 4th and 5th reps of each set
B.  Jerk Balance (Based off 1RM Jerk)
Every 2min for 12min (6 sets),
50%x5 reps, 55%x5 reps, 60% 3sets ×5 reps, 50%x5 reps
 115 x 5, 115 x 5, 120 x 3, 130 x 3, 135 x 3, 115 x 5 – The first few sets of these felt so awful so I didn’t add as much weight as the % indicated, but the sets of 3 started feeling better and I got really close to the % I was supposed to hit
C.  Clean from mid thigh (Based off 1RM hang Clean)

Every 2:30min for 12:30min (5 sets),
50%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5, 65%x5
 100, 115, 125, 135, 125
D.  Good Mornings

Work up to 3 sets × 5 reps at moderate intensity
*same weight all sets once you find that moderate load
 115 for all sets, kinda tough

A.  C&J ; rest as needed
50%x5+5, 60%x5+5, 65%x5+5, 70%x5+5, 65%x5+5
 100, 120, 130, 140, 130
B.  Snatch grip “lift off” (Based off 1RM Snatch)
Every 2:30min for 15min (6 sets),
60%x5, 70%x5, 80%x5, 90%x5, 95%x5, 90%x5
*Straps can be used for this lift
*This lift is performed as quickly as possible but ensuring proper position and balance is maintained. No bouncing weights.
 105, 120, 135, 155, 160, 155
C.  Back Squat
Every 2:30min for 15min (6 sets),
50%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%2×5, 65%x5, 60%x5
 130, 155, 165, 180, 165, 155 – 1 sec pause in bottom on 1st rep of each set, these felt much better than Tuesday
D.  Press Behind neck in split position

Work up to 3 sets × 5 reps at moderate intensity
*same weight all sets once you find that moderate load
85 for all sets, these felt pretty good

Overall, I feel that I need the most work on my first pull and positioning off the ground. I feel like I need to get stronger in this position in order to stay tighter and keep good technique. I also fatigue a lot with repeated reps where I have to pull from the floor and catch in a squat. So also need to keep working on squat strength. And then get more consistent with my snatch, since there are some days when timing feels good and others when it’s awful. I’m excited to get to work!

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