Monday, July 14, 2014

7.8.14 - 7.13.14

Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + 2 Front Squats, 
x 4 sets, rest 2 minutes
*Goal is to match or improve on your four heaviest loads used last Tuesday.
 135, 160, 170, 175
 Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Snatch Grip Deadlift + Above knee Snatch Pull
@ 70-80% of 1-RM Snatch
 115, 115, 120, 125, 130, 130, 135, 135
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets): 

3 Back Squats @ 3-5% more than you used last Tuesday
 175, 180, 185, 190, 195, 200; all of these sets felt really hard
D1. Barbell Jumping Lunges; 20 reps x 4 sets, rest 45 sec
65# for all sets
D2. Weighted V-Bar Row; 6-8 reps x 4 sets, rest 45 sec
*you choose weight for Jumping Lunges, make it light enough that you can get all 20 each set
*If you cannot perform these with perfect form then you have to use bodyweight hands on head!
 25# x 7 (too heavy, kind of hurt shoulder), 10# x7, 10# x8, 10# x8

EMOM, for 12 minutes: 

Minute 1 – 12 JM Presses
40# for all sets
Minute 2 – 30-45sec L-Sit on paralettes
40sec, 40sec, 35sec, 35sec
Minute 3 – 40 Unbroken Double-Unders

Jerk Dips; 3 reps x 5 sets @ 95% of 1RM, rest 60 sec
Complete with 210
C1. Tricep Pushdowns w/ V-Bar; 5 sets x AMRAP, rest 60sec
*pick a heavy weight in the 10-12 rep range and do all four sets with that weight. Work them to failure
90# x 13, 13, 11, 11, 10
C2. DB Alternate Curls; 5 sets x 12/arm
*Same as above. Pick a heavy weight (w/out pain and push for 12 reps)
 12#/arm x 12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) of: 

Row 1000 Meters

20 no-pushup Burpees Over the Barbell

20 Shrugs on boxes
5:45, 5:45, 5:32; Row paces were 2:05.4, 2:04.6, 2:04.3

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets): 

Clean-Grip Deadlift + Above Knee Clean Pull
*Build over the course of the ten sets.
 135, 135, 145, 145, 155, 155, 155, 165, 165, 165
Back Squat

* 1 rep @ 40% 95#
* 1 rep @ 50% 115#
* 1 rep @ 60% 135#
* 1 rep @ 70%
* 1 rep @ 80% 180#
Continuous clock
Every 2 minutes…

1 rep @ 85% 190#
1 rep @ 90% 200#
1 rep @ 95% 215#
Continuous Clock
 Max reps @ 80%  @ 20X1

*No excessive pause at the top – you get one full breath cycle, exhale, inhale, brace and descend – if you take longer than that your set is over
*Use the same weight as last week, and aim to beat last week’s score.
180# x 10 reps (2 better reps than last week!)

EMOM, for 12 minutes: 

 Complete with 190#. Did them in singles, but dropped the bar each rep, so next time I will lower the bar down!
**Watch video!!
**Work on generating as much speed and power as possible once the barbell is separated from the floor.
**Reset the barbell every time on the floor…do not perform these touch and go
**If you do not stay tight throughout body.. you will blow your back out! Absolutely no jerking bar off floor

D. 10 Front Squats (115 lbs)

20 Ring Rows
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings (60lbs)

40 Double-Unders

Rest 4 minutes x 4 sets
2:55, 3:03, 3:04, 3:04. The KBS got hard.

OPTIONAL – but highly recommended
Active Recovery
A. Not going to have you swim. Don’t want to agitate stuff
:30sec @ 90% (push it a little here)
:90sec @ 50%
x 10 sets
Did not complete.

Front Squat, 5 sets, rest 2-3min b/w
3 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85-90%
190# (90%)
1 rep @ 95%
200# (hard)

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): 

Clean Grip Deadlift + Hang Clean Pull (you choose position)
*Build to today’s heaviest set.
 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215
C1. Bulgarian Split Squat @3011; 8 reps x 4 sets
(you MUST use as much or more than last week)
Rest 90
40’s, 40’s, 45’s, 45’s; these felt stronger than last week
C2. V-Bar pushdowns; 15-20 reps, rest 90
 80# x20, 90# x16, 90# x16, 90# x17
GHR @ 3011; 6-8 reps x 3 sets, 
Rest as needed

First set with orange band x 8 reps; last 2 sets with red band x 6 reps
D2. Side Planks from hand; 60 sec/side, rest as needed
Unbroken sets, but tough

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 24 minutes of: 

40yd Sled Push (heavy)

10 no pushup Burpees

40yd Farmer’s Walk (heavy)

10 no push up Burpees
Did not complete

Gymnastics Skills Challenge
Against a running clock, complete the following gymnastics skills: 

0:00 to 3:00
Accumulate 20 tough v-bar Rows
3:00 to 6:00
Establish a Max Effort L-Sit
(as many attempts as you’d like, but only score your best attempt)
6:00 to 9:00
Establish a Max Effort Handstand Walk
(as many attempts as you’d like, but only score your longest walk) *If this bothers shoulder at all then skip this part!
 Did not complete (park workout)

For time: 

Run 1200 Meters

60 Russian Kettlebell Swings

20 Ring Rows
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of: 

Run 400 Meters

21 Russian Kettlebell Swings (40lbs)

12 Ring Rows

*Score both times, and then the total time, e.g., 7:12 + 6:58 = 14:10

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 

Row 1000 Meters

100 Double-Unders

One rower for 3 people, took turns rowing 300m, alternated walking lunges. Row around 2:03 pace.

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